Teams DR Porting

Teams DR Porting

Teams Number Porting Explained

There are a number of stages to porting a number into our Teams Direct Routing product. This guide will explain the process, set expectations for lead times and guides on what to do when the port is accepted.

  1. Reseller places Port via SIP Manager

Jola then works on validating the port request – We verify as much of the information received as possible to ensure we place it as correctly as we can. We then submit the request to our supplier.

Some CPs (Communications Providers) are easier to validate information for than others so we cannot always fully validate a port before submitting.

Jola will endeavour to place port with 2 working days of receiving the port request.

  1. Port Validated, placed with the supplier

Once submitted, we expect to receive an update from our supplier within 7-10 working days.

Jola sends updates weekly, although there is a possibility, we may have no information during the 7-10 days advised above.

  1. Response received for the supplier

There are 3 possible responses Jola can receive:

  1. Accepted – We advise of the date and the routing is set up pending completion. The numbers will be made available in SIP Manager and can be synced ahead of port date.

  1. Rejected – We are advised of the rejection reason, we resubmit in line with the reason or request more information from the customer. 

  1. POV (Pre-Order Validation) is required – This is an avenue we can use if we have been unable to place a port correctly numerous times - An example would be having received 3 rejections for incorrect postcode. Please note, there is no SLA for a POV and we submit the request via our supplier

If a rejection is received, the clock restarts and we endeavour to replace the port within 2 working days unless waiting for information from the customer.

If a POV is required, we endeavour to request the POV within 2 working days of the port rejection.

  1. Lead times

There are several types of line that can be ported, and each has a different lead-time expectation

Geographical Numbers (01… numbers)

Single Line – We advise between 2-6 weeks

Multi-Line – We advise between 4-8 weeks

Non-Geographical Number (08…, 03… numbers)

NGN – We advise 3-6 months

*With Ofcom’s release of the new cLoA version of the Letter of Authority, we are hoping that this lead time will be reduced

  1. Port is accepted and Port Date is given

Once the number port is accepted, there are some things that you will need to know and have implemented in preparation for the porting date.

The Teams tenants will need to be built in SIP Manager. Jola will need to point the numbers at the tenant in the back end before they become visible in SIP Manager to assign.

The numbers being ported can be assigned within a Direct Routing tenant once the port is accepted. Resellers can sync the assigned numbers once in SIP Manager providing the numbers are coming from any CP (communications provider) other than Microsoft. 

If the numbers are currently sat with Microsoft (Teams), you must wait for the numbers to go down on the day of port before syncing in SIP Manager otherwise this will take down the numbers prematurely.

Please note, the average downtime we advise for a port is between 2-4hours, however with a Teams to Teams port, there can be additional downtime while the changes are propagated within Microsoft.

Also, please ensure that everything is built within Office 365 and below is a troubleshooting guide if you have any issues:

Ensure all Licence pre-requisites are met with user/resources before carrying out the below steps.


1) In a private browser login to SIP Manager and select the tenant

2) Click the Login to Microsoft button

3) Remove the User or Resource account

4) Where the Microsoft Button was, there should be a Sync Changes button, Select this (Do not manually sync unless manually configuring via Powershell)

5) Wait 10-15 Minutes

6) Add the User or Resource account to SIP Manager

7) Click the same Sync Changes button (Do not manually sync unless configuring via Powershell)

8 ) Wait 30/60 minutes and test the User/Resource 

Please ensure the above troubleshooting is carried out before raising an issue with Jola’s Support team.

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