Jola - Three UK - Porting Guide (PAC) v1.5

Jola - Three UK - Porting Guide (PAC) v1.5

Please note, this guide is for Jola ‘Three UK’ SIMs only, not any other Operator SIMs (e.g.  Jola ‘Three’ SIMs).

Version history
v1.3 – Update to reflect ports possible via Mobile Manager
v1.4 - 04/08/23 – Update related to the scheduling of the port date. 
v1.5 – 28/03/24 – Updated to reflect the previous requirement to connect to the Three network the w/day before the port using the Three SIM on the temporary number no longer applies

1. Three UK porting differences

Three UK SIMs are activated before the port date, on a temporary number. 

Process prior to the 04/03/2024
The SIM needed to be online, in a device, connected to the Three network, before 17:00 on the working day before the port took place or the port was delayed by a day (and then delayed again if not connected to Three again).
The logic behind this was to prevent customers porting their number on to a SIM that was not unlocked and able to use the Three network. As this is rarely an issue, in March 2024 Three brought their porting process into line with the other network Operators

Process post 04/03/2024
Three UK SIMs are still activated before the port date, on a temporary number, but the port will proceed whether the SIM has been used and connected to the Three network or it hasn’t.

2. Port Date and Three UK porting process

• The Port date is set to 3 working days after Jola send the orders to Three. Orders placed by Partners after 15:45 will usually be sent to Three the day after they have been placed.
• Do not place port orders if the PAC expiry date is on, or before, the port date.  Instead, please request a new PAC code and then place the order.
• Most ports are completed between 10:00-16:00.  The latest they will complete is 22:00.
• On the day of the port, the customer may experience a disrupted service e.g. there may be a period where outbound calls on the new Three SIM switch to presenting the ported number but inbound calls on the ported number are routed to the original SIM.
• Customers can decide if they:

A) Use the new Three SIM all day
 If they do this, they may receive an automated SMS from Three in the morning confirming the port is going ahead.
  1. As discussed above they may experience some loss of service before the port completes.
  2. If they do experience loss of service, switching their device off and on every now can reduce the duration of the loss of service.

B) Use their old SIM until they lose service on that SIM with their old provider
  1. When this happens use this as their cue to switch SIM cards
  2. Again, as discussed above, it is possible that there may be some interruption of service

3. Bulk Porting

Port orders can be placed on Mobile Manager but for bulk orders (>20 ports) there is a bulk porting process.
Please contact your Jola Account Manager who will explain the process and send you the Three UK bulk migrations form (and will help Partner complete it as necessary).

4. Additional Information

• The new SIM is activated on a temporary number.  This number is accessible via the activation Order Details section of Mobile Manager if required.
• Billing for the SIM will start when the activation order completes (on the temporary number) not when the port completes.
• The ported number will be the one on your Jola invoice, not the short-term, temporary number.
• The end-user will receive an SMS from Three when they first use their new SIM that specifies there is a monthly bill limit of £240.
• If the customer is migrating from Three (via another supplier) to Jola Three UK they will need a new SIM card and follow the same process as ports from another MNO to Jola Three UK.
• If they have 2 devices, customers can use their new SIM (on the temporary number) and their original SIM (on the number that is porting) during the short period when the new SIM has been activated on a temporary number.
  1. Three PAC codes with prefix THBxxxxxx cannot currently be moved to Jola Three UK.  We are working to facilitate these orders and this guide will be updated when this is possible.
  2. Porting from Jola Vodafone or Jola O2 to Jola Three UK is not permitted (but please speak to your Jola AM if there is a requirement for this).

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