SIP Manager Teams Purchase and Config v3

SIP Manager Teams Purchase and Config v3

Guide to using SIP Manager and the Microsoft 365 Admin Centre to Order and Configure Teams ‘Direct Routing’

There are 8 stages in the Teams Purchase wizard on SIP Manager:

1. Provisioning Pre-Requisites
2. Tenant Details
3. Tenant Details Confirmation
4. Domain Verification
5. Select Direct Routing Provisioning Method
6. Numbers
7. Associate Users
8. Direct Routing Configuration

This document goes through each in turn.  Each section on the SIP Manager Purchase wizard has a ‘Need Help?’ button which links the user to the relevant section of this document.  

1. Provisioning Pre-Requisites

On the left-hand menu, there is the highlighted ‘Teams’ section <See Screenshot below>. Within Teams, there is the ‘Purchase’ sub-section.

It is vital that every one of the pre-requisites listed on this first page of the purchase wizard is met before proceeding with the Teams purchase.  

Failure to meet any one of the pre-requisites will result in an order failure.

An additional pre-requisite that will be detailed on SIP Manager shortly, but isn’t yet on the list above, is that there must be a ‘spare’ Microsoft 365 licence that can be used during the initial configuration as you complete the wizard.  By ‘spare’ we mean that at Stage 7 of the purchase wizard it will not be available to you to assign to a user. The detail of how you use this licence during the configuration of your tenant is listed in the help guide in Stage 4 - ’Domain Verification’.  After the initial configuration has been completed this licence can be recycled to be assigned to a user.

In the Microsoft 365 Admin centre it is possible to see all active users and the licences assigned to them.  Viewing a single user <See Screenshot below and the licences assigned to them also allows an administrator to confirm that there an unassigned, ‘spare’ licence available.  In this example above we can see that there are 2 x ‘Microsoft 365 Business Basic’ and 2 x ‘Microsoft 365 Business Standard’ licences available.


We are able to check that 2 of the pre-requisites have been met before you can proceed to the next stage.  You are required to enter your domain <See Screenshot below> and we check the 1st and last bullets on the list of pre-requisites i.e. the following:

You have a tenant created on Microsoft that has got Teams and Skype for Business DNS configured
Teams has been used by 1 of those Users (to ensure Teams is configured in Azure AD correctly)

 In the example below the domain has been used and as you can see it has failed both checks and the ‘Next’ button is not available.

In the next example <See Screenshot below> has been tested and passed the checks so the ‘Next’ button is available.

NB – We are only able to test 2 of the pre-requisites and it is your responsibility to make sure that the others have been met before proceeding

Issues that have meant the Purchase wizard was not completed successfully include:

o Not meeting all the pre-requisites.

o The correct licences (with phone system) assigned to users but they have had a Microsoft Calling Plan assigned. 

The last bullet in the list of pre-requisites above is to say that Teams is configured in Azure correctly.  Sometimes, as per the pre-requisite, Teams has been successfully used by a User but it is still not configured.  We recommend a period of at least 24 hours from when a user sends the first message or making the first Teams-to-Teams call on a fresh Teams tenant before setting up Direct Routing via the purchase wizard

2. Tenant Details

Below the screenshot <See Screenshot below>  there are notes explaining each field on this page:


o   ‘Name’ – A reference that means something to you (you can add anything that you want)

o   ‘Number Source’          NB – The only option currently available in the Teams section of SIP Manager is ‘New Numbers’. Porting numbers in via

SIP Manager and using them for Teams Direct Routing is a simple process (* – see below for details). 

o   New Numbers

o   Port Numbers from a Microsoft Calling Plan

o   Port Numbers from another Carrier


The reason that there are 2 porting options is because numbers that are being used against a Microsoft calling plan need to be treated differently to numbers that are with any other provider.  This is to avoid an interruption in service.


o   ‘Admin Domain’ – The default domain within your Microsoft 365 tenant

o   ‘Select Calling Plans’ – This is where you select the type and quantity of the calling plans you want to order

These are for ‘User Accounts’ (i.e. users making and receiving calls) as well as ‘resource accounts’ (Call Queues and Auto-Attendants).

As per the highlighted part of the screenshot above, a description of each plan appears when you select it.  For full details and pricing of each option on this dropdown please visit the Jola extranet price list here and use the filter to select ‘6. Microsoft Teams’.

**** If the Product you want to order is not listed (e.g. one of the Unlimited International local calls packages) please contact your Jola AM *****


* - Porting numbers

The following is an explanation of the process to follow in SIP Manager if porting in numbers to be used with Direct Routing.

As you can see, there is a separate Porting section on SIP Manager <See Screenshot below>.  The pages that you complete here will be the same as the ones that you will use when porting is incorporated into the Teams purchase wizard.

The steps to follow are:

1)      In the Teams section of SIP Manager complete the Purchase wizard (i.e. all 8 stages) purchasing new number(s) in Section 2 - ‘Tenant Details’.

Purchasing just a single new number (or as many numbers as you want to configure with calling plans whilst the port completes) will allow you to complete the Teams Purchase wizard. This means you can test Teams Direct Routing and avoids the risk of there being issues configuring the tenant when you want to start using the ported numbers.

2)      After completing the Teams Purchase wizard (Stage 8 of the guide) move to the Porting section of SIP Manager (highlighted in pink - screenshot above) and then click on the ‘NEW’ sub-section.  Complete the pages here to initiate the port.  You will later receive confirmation that the port has been authorised and the date that the port will complete.

**** You can choose when to do the next steps ****

·       When you get confirmation that the port has been authorised.

·       After the port has completed.

This is because the ported numbers will be available in the ‘Manage Tenants’ section from when the port has been authorised. You can Synch the users before the port completes without impacting the phone system the customer is using prior to the port completion date.

3)      When the port is authorised the numbers will be available in the ‘MANAGE TENANTS’ sub-section of the Teams section of SIP Manager  <See Screenshot below>   

4)      You can add as many Users and Resource accounts (Auto Attendants & Call Queues) as you have purchased Calling Plans and have available numbers.  As you add each row you will see the synch status is an amber ‘Pending’ warning label.

5)      This is also where you can remove any users with temporary new numbers that you want to replace with a ported number.  To do so click on the red box on the right for this user. You can then add them again, by filling in the row with empty fields and clicking on the green ‘+’ button.

6)      When you have added as many rows as you need, click on the ‘Log in to Microsoft’ button.  When you are logged in you will then see the option in SIP Manager to ‘Synch’.  After clicking ‘Synch’ it may take a couple of minutes to complete after which the Amber ‘!’ warning symbols will change to green ticks.


If you are porting numbers that are being used with Microsoft Calling Plans


o   Each port has a user with a MS calling plan attached.

o   This calling plan must be removed from the user to allow them to have a Jola Direct Routing calling plan.

o   Once the MS Calling Plan has been removed the service will cease to be available and so it is recommended that this is only done as a final step (when the port completes just before you synch Users in SIP Manager as per the instructions above).

o   The customer should be informed that there will be minor down time during the removal of calling plans, creation of users and port completion. 

o   To reduce downtime if you have lots of users, you can add them in the ‘Manage Tenant section once the port has been approved (see previous screenshot) but DO NOT synch the tenant with Microsoft at this stage as this will automatically remove the service availability.

o   Sync the users when the ports have completed AND the calling plan has been removed from each user.

3. Tenant Details Confirmation

This is where you review your order (and go back and amend if necessary).

o   The FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) has been automatically generated by SIP Manager at this stage and is displayed on this screen (it is shown again on the next screen).  This is used to authenticate the trunk / Direct Routing connection between the Jola Teams Direct Routing platform and the Microsoft Teams platform.

o   The hyperlink takes you to the ‘Jolaphone, Teams Direct Routing, SIP trunks, broadband, PSTN, Terms & Conditions document on the Jola extranet should you wish to review before ticking the box to confirm you agree to these Terms & Conditions.

o   The ‘Next’ box appears when you have agreed to the T&Cs and when you click this the box below appears to inform you that SIP Manager is performing tasks <See Screenshot below>  There is a slight delay whilst SIP Manager configures the Jola Microsoft approved SBC (Session Border Controllers).

4. Domain Verification

This screen looks like this <See Screenshot below>:

This step is where a domain is verified in the Microsoft 365 portal using the FQDN.

After saving the FQDN to your clipboard you need to go to the Microsoft 365 Admin centre to add this new domain to the tenant.  To do so go to:

Microsoft 365 Admin Centre
Main menu on left
‘Show all’

‘Add domain’ <See Screenshot below>

Paste in the FQDN then click on the blue ‘Use this domain’ button <See Screenshot below>

This generates a verification code (the .TXT value) <See Screenshot below> 

Click the ‘Copy Record’ symbol next to the TXT value.


Go back to SIP Manager and paste the verification code in to the ‘Verification Code’ field (see the 1st SIP Manager screenshot at the start of the ‘4. Domain Verification’ section above).
Click ’Add Verification Code’ button
This process results in SIP Manager configuring the DNS so that Microsoft can verify the domain.

When you see the screen above with ‘Domain Set Up Complete’ and a green tick <See Screenshot below> you need to go back into the Microsoft 365 Admin portal (instructions continue below).

Click on the ‘Verify’ button (at the bottom of the Microsoft 365 Admin screen you left to back to SIP Manager)

Click ‘Continue’ (it can take a couple of minutes for DNS to propagate and the ‘Continue’ button to appear <See Screenshot below>

On the next screen <See Screenshot below> any boxes that are ticked can be unticked (e.g. the ‘Exchange and Exchange Online Protection’ option below), you do not need any additional services on this domain. When all boxed are unticked, click ‘Continue’

The next screen <See Screenshot below> should look like the one below, confirming that the ‘Domain setup is complete’. 

Click on the button ‘Done’ at the bottom of the screen


Next you need to activate the subdomain in Microsoft 365.  This is done by adding a licenced user.  The default domain needs to be the FQDN.

In ‘Users’ > ‘Active Users’ > ‘Add a user’ <See Screenshot below>

When you create the user <See Screenshot below> it does not matter what Name or ‘Display Name’ is used as at the end of the provisioning process it can be deleted.  
The important part of this is to select from the dropdown the FQDN that you have just added 
Passwords aren’t important as nobody will ever have to log in as this user and so the ‘Password settings’ do not matter.  
Click ‘Next’

The next screen is where the spare licence is assigned to this user <See Screenshot below> 

Tick the box next to the licence.

NB – The warning message on this screen states:

‘Due to increased demand it might take up to 24 hours to fully set up user in Teams. Until then, you won’t be able to assign Teams policies to them, and they might not have access to Teams features like calling and audio conferencing’.

Click ‘Next’ again on the following screen <See Screenshot below>  

Simply click the ‘Finish Adding’ button on the next screen <See Screenshot below>  

The next screen is the final one and the only thing to do is click on ‘Close’ <See Screenshot below>  

Return to SIP Manager

All the requirements have now been met in the ‘Domain Verification’ section and so you can click ‘Next’ on the SIP Manager screen  <See Screenshot below>  

5. Select Direct Routing Provisioning Method

The options are either:

o Automated
o Manual

If you choose ‘Manual’ you will need to follow the guide that SIP Manager will give you access to (also here) and execute the Microsoft Powershell commands manually.

If you choose ‘Automated’, SIP Manager will execute the commands for you.

6. Numbers

As per the screenshot below, this is where you purchase new numbers and select:

o ‘The country’ (most commonly people will be ordering UK numbers but International numbers are available – for pricing of see XXXXXX

o The ‘Type’ of number, options below:
Premium Rate  (This option shows on SIP Manager but these numbers are not currently available through SIP Manager)
Freephone (0800 or 0808)

o Area (typically the UK area code)  

You then register the number(s) to a named contact and an address, either choosing one that you already have saved from the dropdown or a new one via ‘Add New Contact’ <See Screenshot below>  

The final screen in this section is an order review to check that you are ordering what you need and when you click ‘Finish’ SIP Manager will provision those numbers.

7. Associate Users

The next step is to associate the Users with the numbers that have been ordered for both for Resource (Auto-Attendants and Call Queues) and User accounts.  

The ‘Username’ is the e-mail address from Microsoft 365.

Add the Username.
Choose the number from the dropdown list that you want to assign to this User (or resource)
Select the appropriate Calling Plan for this user (from those that you ordered at Stage 2).
Click on the green ‘+’ button 

Do this for all the users and resources you want to configure and then click ‘Next’  <See Screenshot below>  

NB – Not all purchased numbers or users need to be configured when using the Purchase wizard for the first time.  In the ‘Teams’ section of SIP Manager there is the sub-section ‘MANAGE TENANTS’; at a later date you can continue configuring additional users (and purchase additional Calling Plans / Numbers if necessary).

8. Direct Routing Configuration

This is the final step where we configure the Teams Gateway, Users and Resources.

You will need to log in to the Admin section of Microsoft 365 and in doing so grant SIP Manager access to using oAuth – you will be prompted to log in, even if you were already logged in on your browser.

When you have signed in successfully you will get this screen <See Screenshot below>  and you can click the ‘Begin Activation’ button.

You will then reach the screen below which is where SIP Manager is automatically executing the Powershell commands <See Screenshot below> .  

Below is the final screen.  Teams Direct Routing is now configured for the Users and Resource accounts that you have specified.  You can test that they work however, as per the message below, if Direct Routing does not work straight away keep testing for the next 24 hours.  It would be unusual for there to be a delay of anything close to 24 hours. 

You will then reach the screen below which is where SIP Manager is automatically executing the Powershell commands <See Screenshot below>

Below is the final screen.  Teams Direct Routing is now configured for the Users and Resource accounts that you have specified.  You can test that they work however, as per the message below, if Direct Routing does not work straight away keep testing for the next 24 hours.  It would be unusual for there to be a delay of anything close to 24 hours. 

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